Day 7- Dinner

First, I realized I forgot to calculate my lunch in the previous post. Here’s the breakdown:

Banana= $0.28

V-day Chocolates= $0.56 (It was Dove chocolate so it was nice)

Bagel= $0.41

Cream Cheese= $0.29

Total= $0.98 which means $3.98 for the rest of the day.

Today was really busy and once again, and I was sleepy and hungry and stressed all day. I felt awful and decided to treat myself to a cup of coffee from Starbucks since I was out and about all day. When I got there, I couldn’t take my eyes off of the glass case of food. I was SO HUNGRY. When I got to the register I asked for a breakfast sandwich instead of a coffee. There goes $2.95 + tax.  I was stuck with three Chewy granola bars for $0.20 per bar for dinner.

Thank God there’s only a few more hours left of this challenge because I feel like it’s a matter of seconds before I cheat. I am so hungry, and so sick of being hungry, and I’m so tired of having to calculate the cost of every little thing I eat and then write about everything. Currently my frustration with the challenge is greater than my appreciation for it.

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