Day 7- Brunch


For lunch I got a banana, some left over Valentine’s day candy, and a bagel with cream cheese. When I went to the produce section of dhall to pick out a banana, I noticed that they were smaller than usual. While I have noticed changes like these in the past, it has never affected me. Today, it did, I found myself sorting through all the bananas in the basket, looking for the biggest one so that I can get the most for my money and fill up. It struck me how I’ve never had to think like this before.

As I looked back on my blog, I realized that I prepare most of my food in the panini maker and/or toaster in dhall. The opportunity to prepare my food like that probably made my meals way more enjoyable than they would have been had I not had that option. I wonder how often people in poverty get a hot meal or at least get a choice in how their meal is prepared. I remember earlier in the week how I reflected on the frustrating lack of freedom that comes from living off of $4 a day, and now I realize that people in these situations have even less freedom than I in this simulation.


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