Day 4- Lunch

I was soooooo hungry by lunchtime. I finally got to eat at 1:30 and I looked for the most filling meal possible. I got a peanut butter and banana sandwich on an english muffin ($0.82) and a bowl of Rice Krispies (0.44) totaling $1.26. I decided that this meal got the most “bang for my buck.” I had $2.95 left for dinner.

Sitting at my lunch table, I looked at everyone else’s meals in comparison to mine and felt almost jealous. They all had big sandwiches and soups and salads and desserts and I had peanut butter (again). I felt like a little kid in the lunch room envying the lunches that everyone else’s moms packed. I wonder if this is the feeling that the kids in public schools who qualify for free and reduced lunches get.

When you measure your day by your meals, and you only have two small meals a day, the days go by very very slowly.

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